RGB, An Animated Short That Explores How Colored Light Mixes
RGB is an animated short film created by award-winning San Francisco-based illustrator and animator Dan McHale. In this animated short I’m playing with the additive…
Scumdance, A Group Art Show That Celebrates Famous Movie Villains
They all float down here! by Dave Correia Scumdance, a group art show at the Blonde Grizzly gallery, will be showcasing a bad ass collection…
Minimalist Poster Designs Using Pictograms to Summarize Film Plots
Italian designer Matteo Civaschi of the H-57 Creative Station made a wonderful series of minimalistic designs (similar to his history posters) that quickly summarize popular…
2012. 366 days. 366 seconds., A Filmmaker’s Year Captured in Daily One Second Increments
2012. 366 days. 366 seconds., a wonderful cinematic video by Austin, Texas-based filmmaker Jonathan Britnell, creatively captures his 2012 year within a series of daily…
Cascada, Short Film About Boaters Searching for a Perfect Waterfall in the Mexican Jungle
“Tangled vines. Endless rain. Dodgy hotel rooms. Mud. Biting flies. Aggressive viruses…Perfection.” Cascada is a beautiful short film directed by Anson Fogel and Skip Armstrong…
Doodle or Die, An Online Multiplayer Game of Telephone With Drawings
Doodle or Die is a multiplayer game that allows you to interact with others online through creating chains of drawings (doodles) that match other player’s…
LEGO Stop-Motion Animation of the Man Of Steel Trailer #2
Antonio Toscano did a great job of creating a stop-motion animated LEGO variant of director Zack Snyder‘s recent Man of Steel – Official Trailer #2.…
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, A Poster Design by Mike Mitchell
Los Angeles artist Mike Mitchell created an out of this world poster design that is based on the classic 1982 Steven Spielberg film, E.T. the…
How The Hobbit Should Have Ended
In this animated episode of How It Should Have Ended (HISHE), an alternate ending is provided for the Peter Jackson film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected…
Why Continuity in Movies is Overrated
On “Continuity is Overrated,” a comical and original Hollywood Clichés short video by The Leek, three friends tell us why continuity is so important in…