KRFTWRK – Global Human Electricity
“KRFTWRK” is a socio-political statement and an ironic comment on current problems like the production and waste of electricity in industrial states, as well as…

The Pong Song by Jonathan Mann
My good friend Jonathan Mann (aka GameJew) just published a great song about the hyper-influential godfather of computer games: Pong.
Understanding Software Patents: Hartmut Pilch Interviewed by Transforming Freedom
Transforming Freedom is a Vienna-based project that tries to build up an archive of interviews, focusing on digital culture, its technical, political, theoretical and artistic…
Urbantakeover, Claim Spots In Your City & Track Them Online
urbantakeover is a virtual reality game mashup that was started by a couple of smart guys from Vienna. You play it both in the streets…
From Vienna with LED Love
I would like to welcome our next guest blogger, Johannes Grenzfurthner of Vienna, Austria, founder of monochrom, talking about the “LED Matrix”. – Scott My…