An Animated Short About a Couple Literally Trying to Maintain Their Equilibrium During an Attempt at Reconciliation
Head Over Heels, a brilliiant stop-motion animation by student filmmaker Tim Rickart, tells the story of of Walter and Madge, a couple that has put…
Atlanta Artist Creates a ‘Dowager Countess’ Cake For the ‘Downton Abbey’ Season Five Premiere
An Explanation Why So Many Countries’ Names End With the Suffix ‘-stan’
“-stan By Your Land,” a short animated video by Roots and Routes, explains the origins of the “-stan” suffix and describes how the word has…
Mirrored Teacups That Cleverly Reflect the Colorful Pattern of Their Accompanying Saucers
D-BROS, the Japanese home products designer, has created the Waltz cup and saucer duo in which a cleverly mirrored teacup literally reflects the colorful pattern…
Fukuro no Mise, A Busy Cafe in Tsukishima, Japan That Allows Curious Patrons to Interact With Domesticated Owls
Fukuro no Mise is a busy cafe in the Central Tokyo, Japan neighborhood of Tsukishima that allows its patrons to interact with all kinds of…
Charlie Pellett, The Man Behind the Voice That Warns NYC Subway Riders To ‘Stand Clear of the Closing Doors’
The Voice of The New York Subway System, a short film by Vici Shaweddy, tells the story of Charlie Pellett, the veteran Bloomberg Radio news…
‘What Brought Us Together 2014’ A Touching Compilation of Important Moments That Occurred Over the Past Year
Filmmaker Jean-Louis Nguyen (previously) has put together “What Brought Us Together 2014,” a touching compilation of the important moments and events that brought us all…
Artist Recreates Herself as Seven Different Generations of the Women From the Maternal Side of Her Family
In her photo series “Seven Generations of American Women”, artist Christine McConnell, known for her creative pastry photo series, has perfectly recreated individual family portraits…
French Bulldog Puppy Performs a Bunch of Tricks That He Learned in Just Four Days
A tiny, 12-week old French bulldog puppy named Brody Brixton performs a bunch of brand new tricks that he learned in just four days with…
Ring-Tailed Lemur Gently Plays With a Spunky Two-Month Old Baby Kangaroo at Florida Animal Sanctuary
In 2012, a ring-tailed lemur named Liam played very gently with a spunky two-month old baby kangaroo named Bug at the Exotic Animal Experience in…