Katachi by Shungo Tokumaru, A Stop Motion Music Video Using PVC
The music video for the song “Katachi” by Japanese singer-songwriter Shungo Tokumarui is a stunning stop motion animated film that creatively uses thousands of cut…
All Worlds Fair, A Two-Night Art Experience in San Francisco
The All Worlds Fair is an upcoming art event in San Francisco that is described as an “extraordinary 2 hour experience.” It will be held…
J.J. Abrams in Late Negotiations to Direct Star Wars: Episode VII
According to The Hollywood Reporter, J.J. Abrams is in late negotiations to direct the new Star Wars movie, Episode VII. The film is set to…
Dolphin Lets Diver Know it Needs to be Rescued, Gets Set Free
Using an underwater camera, Martina Wing of Ocean Wings Hawaii filmed amazing footage of a bottlenose dolphin approaching a diver to let him know that…
Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg? by AsapScience
Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown of AsapSCIENCE explore the age old question, “Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg?” in this short video.…
First Clip Released From jOBS, The Indie Biopic About Steve Jobs
Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs / image via JOBS Facebook page The first clip from jOBS, the indie biopic about Steve Jobs which stars Ashton…
Cat Knocks Down Water Bottles, One by One
Chai the cat spends a moment to knock down a lineup of water bottles, one by one. Bonus: Chai gets brushed.
Harvey, A Kitten in Scotland Born Without Leg Bones Gets Help
Harvey is a rescue kitten in Scotland that was born with radial agenesis, a rare malformation that has caused him to have no bones in…
Robin Williams is Now on Twitter
“Actor, Comedian, Cyclist, Retired Mime” Actor and comedian Robin Williams is now on Twitter. He’s also on tour. Ready to hit the road with @david_steinberg…
The Browser You Loved to Hate, Internet Explorer Launches Campaign to Reach the Child of the 90s
“You grew up. So did we. Reconnect with the new Internet Explorer.” Microsoft has launched a fun campaign for Internet Explorer 10 titled “The Browser…