Rusty Blazenhoff

Rusty Blazenhoff

Bagpipes Made Out of PVC and Duct Tape

On Instructables, smartin014 has created a tutorial for how to make membrane bagpipes using PVC pipes and lots of duct tape. Give a listen: “Here’s…

The Musical History of Wooing Men

“It all went downhill after 1996. Or uphill… depending on how you look at it.” For cdza, Dylan C. Moore sings her way through the…


Sam, A Cat With Eyebrows

“This is Sam. He has eyebrows.” Sam is a white cat with black upturned “eyebrows” who is making a big mark on Instagram. via Gawker

Gummy Earwax in someone's ear

Dark Yellow Gummy Ear Wax Candy

At the CandyWarehouse you can buy Gummy Ear Wax candy, bags of dark yellow, lemon-flavored gummy candies that are meant to resemble ear wax. Picked…