‘Attack on Titan’, Live-Action Adaptation of a Popular Manga Series Where Heroes Fight Off Giant People-Eating Beings
FUNimation has released a subtitled movie trailer for Attack on Titan, a two-part live-action film adaptation of Hajime Isayama‘s popular Japanese manga series where a group of adventurous heroes must fight off an onslaught of giant and mindless people-eating beings. The films are being directed by Shinji Higuchi and written by Yusuke Watanabe (Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods) and film critic Tomohiro Machiyama. According to IGN, the first part of the film will be released in Japan on August 1, 2015 with the second installment, titled Attack on Titan: End of the World, releasing on September 19th.
That day, humanity remembered… More than one hundred years ago, Titans suddenly appeared. The majority of the human race was eaten and civilization collapsed. The survivors of the war built three walls to prevent the invasion of the Titans, and kept the peace by securing the living area inside. In one hundred years, the wall has not been broken… until this day.
image via Shingeki Movie