An Adorable Black Cat Who Walks Like a Spider
An adorable black cat named Aries was born to a feral litter with misshapen joints in his back legs that make him look like a spider when he walks. Luckily, a shelter rescued the whole litter. Aries wound up in a foster home that gave him both love and attention so that when he was adopted into his permanent home, he was able to walk and play with the other cats in his new household.
Aries appears to be completely aware of his disability. In fact, he is far more adventurous than many other house cats. He loves to go outside. He doesn’t mind being put in a carrier and/or harness because it means that he can run on the beach, go to the park or even go for a boat ride. He’s also very happy to stay at home where he can eat all the shrimp he wants.
The adventures of a shrimp-loving kitty with special leggies! Life can be amazing!

via Miss Cellania