How the Sport of Stickball Has Been Passed Down Through Generations of New Yorkers Since the 1930s

New York Nico of Heller Films spoke with Bronx native Anthony Nazario Sr. (Naz) about the classic game of stickball, a popular urban game that has been passed down through generations of New Yorkers since the 1930s.

Stickball is the quintessential New York sport. The game is said to have been introduced to NYC in the 1930’s. Since all that was needed was a broom handle and rubber ball, it was extremely accessible for kids, and adults who didn’t have the means.

Naz talked about his history with the sport, the fervor and passion of competition that accompanied the sport, and how it helps to get kids to focus their energy in a positive way. Naz and his son both play for the Bronx Diamondbacks stickball team and are looking for more people to adopt the sport as their own. As Naz quite eloquently stated, “all you need is a stick and a ball”.

Anthony’s mission is to bring this sport to the masses. It’s not yet an Olympic sport and their are no “career” players, but they hope to change that by getting the youth more involved and diminishing the misconception that it’s an “old man’s game” or a “poor man’s game.” Hopefully in Naz’s lifetime they will see it reach the mainstream and this incredible game can be enjoyed by the masses.

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.