A Wonderfully Informative Map Showing Where Each Episode of ‘Game of Thrones’ Was Filmed


Travel agency Lawrence of Morocco has created a wonderfully informative map that shows where every episode of the HBO series Game of Thrones was filmed, specifically focusing on the beautiful areas of Morocco that were used to portray Astaphor, Pentos and Yunkai.

One of the main attractions of the series is the stunning settings that it is filmed in, with dramatic scenery at every turn from the flowing countryside of Northern Ireland to the towering cliffs of Malta. Morocco also plays host to a number of places in the series, so we felt inspired to put together a map of every real life location used in the filming of the series so you can take your very own Game of Thrones tour if you wished

morocco_ait_benhaddou._Yunkai and Pentos
Aït-Ben-Haddou – Yunkai and Pentos

Aït-Ben-Haddou – Yunkai and Pentos

Ouarzazate – Pentos

Astapor - Essaouria

Essaouira Astapor

images via Lawrence of Morocco

via Unreality Mag, Geeks Are Sexy

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.