Snackadium, A Customizable Set of Plastic Food Containers for Making Sports Stadiums Out of Game Day Snacks

Author, father, and dreamer Dallas Amsden has created the Snackadium, a customizable set of plastic food containers for making sports stadiums out of game day snacks. Amsden is currently raising funds for his clever project on Kickstarter.

If you are any kind of sports fan at all, you may have heard of a Snackadium. If not – well, sure you could Google it – but please allow us to give you our official definition.

SNACKADIUM [sna-kay-dee-uh-m] noun.
1) A stadium filled with snacks!
2) A necessary addition to any sports-themed party that fans of all kinds need to have.
3) Singular usage: A food container or pan that is designed and molded in such a way as to resemble a sports stadium, arena, field, gymnasium, track, rink, amphitheatre, stage, or coliseum.
4) Plural usage: A set or series of food containers or pans that are designed and molded in such a way that, when they are assembled, they resemble a sports stadium, arena, field, gymnasium, track, rink, amphitheatre, stage, or coliseum . . . or heck, even a hippodrome!

We do have plans for an entire line of pan designs; however, for this particular Kickstarter campaign, we are raising funds for the BIG ONE: the tiered, multi-pan Snackadium set.





images via Snackadium

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

Justin Page
Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.