San Francisco ISP MonkeyBrains Offers Wireless Gigabit Internet to Residential Customers in the City

San Francisco Internet service provider MonkeyBrains has launched a project to bring high-speed gigabit wireless Internet connections to homes in San Francisco. According to MonkeyBrains, the 350 Mbps connections will be the first gigabit Internet available to residential customers in the city. In order to roll out the system, MonkeyBrains must sign up at least 100 residential customers. The company is raising funds for the project on Indiegogo; this is also the method by which customers can order the service. MonkeyBrains is also accepting funds for open WiFi access points that will provide neighbors with free wireless access to the Internet.

via Boing Boing

E.D.W. Lynch
E.D.W. Lynch

Writer and humor generalist on the Internet and on Facebook.