Restored Albion Castle Back on The Market
SocketSite is reporting that San Francisco’s historic Albion Castle, a former brewery with an underground cavern and natural springs pool in Hunter’s Point, has been restored and is now for sale again with an asking price of $2,950,000. When the current owner bought it they were going to bring back the Albion Porter & Ale Brewery as well as adding a restaurant, but that never happened.
We had our Laughing Squid blog launch party at the Albion Castle on April 22nd, 2005 (the blog actually began on January 1st, 2005).
The Albion Castle is also the former location of Laughing Squid Web Hosting tech support, Paul de Jong our main support guy at the time lived there.
Maybe one of our rich friends will buy it to bring it back into the community.
photos by Scott Beale
Thanks to Jennifer Russell for the tip!