Maker Faire Bay Area 2009 Call For Makers

Maker Faire Bay Area 2008

Maker Faire Bay Area 2008

Maker Faire Bay Area 2008

Maker Faire has announced their Call For Makers: Maker Faire Bay Area 2009, this year’s focus is on Re-Make America, inspired by President Obama’s call for all of us to participate in remaking America. Maker Faire Bay Area takes place May 30-31 at San Mateo County Expo Center. Here are my photos from Maker Faire Bay Area 2008.

Organized by the staff of Make and Craft magazines, Maker Faire is a newfangled fair that brings together science, art, craft and engineering plus music in a fun, energized, and exciting public forum. The aim is to inspire people of all ages to roll up their sleeves and become makers. This family-friendly event showcases the amazing work of all kinds of makers–anyone who is embracing DIY and wants to share their accomplishments with an appreciative audience.

We encourage you to join the fun and enter a project to exhibit.

photos by Scott Beale

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.