Boing Boing Launches Daily Online TV Show: Boing Boing TV
Gina Piccalo of the LA Times is reporting on the launch of a new daily online TV show by Boing Boing which will be located at Boing Boing TV, produced by DECA in Santa Monica, will feature daily 3-5 minute reports hosted by Boing Boing authors Xeni Jardin and Mark Frauenfelder, with regular segments by Boing Boing’s three other contributors David Pescovitz, Cory Doctorow and Joel Johnson.
The show, developed over the last nine months, has an ephemeral sort of aesthetic that’s also very polished, the work of the Santa Monica-based production company DECA. “We’ve been posting links to other people’s video and embedding them in the site for a long time,” Jardin said. “We thought, ‘We’re pointing to this material, why aren’t we creating it?’ We saw there were stories and experiences we couldn’t capture in text and photos. There are some experiences best rendered in video.”
“We wanted it to be fun and real and something that felt like a natural evolution of a blog,” Jardin said. “We’ve been approached by big TV networks about doing a BoingBoing reality show or ‘American Idol’ type show. But the idea of having a prime-time network show seems like it would automatically be wrong for us and doomed to fail. . . . We wanted to adapt things that are already part of the vernacular of BoingBoing.”
Congratulations guys, I’m really looking forward to seeing the new show.
UPDATE: The first episode of Boing Boing TV is now online: “Visions of the Future/Listography”