‘Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam’, Animated Short Film Featuring Sticky Note Drawings by 15 Canadian Animators
“Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam” is an animated short film directed, edited, and produced by Jeff Chiba Stearns featuring a series of drawings on 4 x 6 yellow sticky notes from a group of 15 Canadian animators. The compilation includes work from animators like Marv Newland, Alison Snowden and David Fine, Cordell Barker, and many more. A DVD that includes “Yellow Stick Notes | Canadian Anijam” is currently available via Stearns’ website.
Each of the animators created their sequence without knowing what the other participants were creating. Starting with a ‘to do’ list written on the day of a memorable event, the animators transitioned from text to imagery by utilizing ‘animation meditation’ to create a visually animated poem representing how their lives were affected by that pivotal day. In the end, the thousands of sticky note drawings are linked together to create a dynamic and inspirational animated film that connects the human spirit while celebrating individual artistic expression with the goal of inspiring future generations of animators.