The Landscape Alphabet, 19th Century Lithographs Featuring Letters Created From Idyllic Scenery

The Landscape Alphabet, Letter A
Letter A

Charles Joseph Hullmandel, an influential 19th century lithographic artist, created The Landscape Alphabet, a collection of 26 landscape scenes, using the shapes of letters to form idyllic scenery. Bound as a single volume, the work belongs to The British Museum and is available online through the institutions digitized online collection..

The museum describes the Letter A as “Composed of three figures around a fire at the edge of a slope to small pond, forming the lower part of the letter; outline by trees.”

Hullmandel printed thousands of lithographs in the nineteenth century and authored a handbook on the process in 1824.

Letter C

The Landscape Alphabet, Letter H
Letter H

Letter J

Letter L

The Landscape Alphabet, Letter U
Letter U

via Quipsologies

Katherine M. Hill
Katherine M. Hill

Katherine is a writer and photographer. She lives in Brooklyn.