BaconCamp San Francisco 2010

Do you add a little bacon to everything you eat? Are your friends blown away by your bacony-creations? Can you build a sculpture out of bacon? BaconCamp is for you! Compete to be master of pork belly and a chance to star in your very own Lipitor commercial*!
(credit: Karen Nguyen and Vanessa Naylon)
BaconCamp is a community-driven gathering bringing together chefs and bacon enthusiasts. It is an interactive event filled with discussions, demos and delicious treats with proceeds going to the San Francisco Food Bank!
BaconCamp takes place on May 8th at Chez Poulet, here’s the Facebook listing.
BaconCamp San Francisco 2010
May 8th, noon-4pm
Chez Poulet
3359 Cesar Chavez (at Mission)
$10 suggested donation
Everyone is encouraged to participate by presenting (food, art, demo), judging, or volunteering. BaconCamp is not a spectator sport. Last year BaconCamp brought in more than 40 presentations and more than 300 participants.
To volunteer, judge or present a dish email karen [aat] karenism [dott] com or sign up at the wiki. Donate at Kickstarter.