Ask Dr. Hal

Photos of Ask Dr. Hal

Here are a few photos I shot at last night’s always hilarious Ask Dr. Hal Show, the 2nd installation of the series’ triumphant return. If…

15th Annual Potrero Hill Festival

15th Annual Potrero Hill Festival

Now that Laughing Squid has recently relocated to Potrero Hill, we want to help support/promote some of the great stuff happening in our own neighborhood.…

Yahoo! Search

Yahoo Blog Search

Earlier this week, Yahoo launched a new blog search feature. It is integrated into their news search area and the blog search results show up…


Revenge of the Geek Camps

In response to Foo Camp, Bar Camp was formed. It was a huge success and helped influence Webzine 2005 and inspire Web 2.1. Now this…

ArtCar Fest

ArtCar Fest 2005 – Part 2

Part 2 of ArtCar Fest 2005 takes place this weekend (Part 1 was last month). Here’s the full schedule. On Friday night (October 14th), the…

Acquisitions A Go-Go

Last week was a big week for the acquisition of web content and technology companies: – Yahoo acquired events website, which is a great…

Google Reader

Google Reader

Last week Google launched a RSS/Atom feed reader called Google Reader. For those of you looking for an alternative to Bloglines or have been searching…

Lawrence Lessig on Wireless in SF

Lawrence Lessig on Wireless in SF

Tomorrow night (Monday, October 10th), Media Alliance presents “Digital City or Divided City?” at San Francisco’s 111 Minna Gallery. It is a panel discussion, led…

Web 2.1

Web 2.1 Photos and Wrap-Up

The upgrade from Web 2.0 to Web 2.1 went really well. Yesterday’s Web 2.1 event was a huge success and something tells me we will…