Chicken John Matching Funds Donor Lunch
Chicken John has placed this ad (here’s a larger version) is in today’s issue of the SF Weekly. Chicken is inviting his campaign donors to…
Widget Summit 2007, Exploring Widets & Content Syndication
These days it seems like there are widgets for everything, including desktops, blogs, mobile devices, Facebook, iPhone and so on. My good friend Niall Kennedy…
The Simpsons Matched Up With The Movies They Reference
Joey “Accordion Guy” deVilla has posted an awesome galley matching up 66 stills from The Simpsons with the corresponding movie still that they are referencing.…

Artists Build a Secret Apartment Inside of a Mall

Loic Le Meur Posting Daily Videos of New Video Startup
At the last TechCrunch party I met French entrepreneur and blogger Loic Le Meur, who organizes Europe’s largest web event Le Web 3 in Paris…

The Miniature Earth, Visualizing A Poplulation of Only 100
The Miniature Earth Project has created an engaging video, based on the “State of the Village Report” (1990) by Donella Meadows (who passed away in…
Boing Boing Launches Daily Online TV Show: Boing Boing TV
Gina Piccalo of the LA Times is reporting on the launch of a new daily online TV show by Boing Boing which will be located…
Patrick Amiot Sculpture Art on Florence Avenue in Sebastopol
Back in June on my way to Foo Camp in Sebastopol, I came across one of the eclectic sculptures created by urban folk artist Patrick…
Twitterfeed for Laughing Squid, The Squid List &
I’ve recently started using the excellent service Twitterfeed to send my feeds to Twitter. Now posts on Laughing Squid will show up on Laughing Squid’s…

Litquake ’07, A San Francisco Literary Festival
Litquake ’07, San Francisco’s 8th annual literary festival, takes place October 6th-13th at various venues around San Francisco. The festival features an impressive list of…