Chicken John Mural & Call For Art by San Francisco Artists
Loid Mongoloid has painted a beautiful Chicken John mural on the side of his campaign headquarters (Chez Poulet Gallery) on Cesar Chavez in the Mission.…

Tease-O-Rama 2007 Burlesque Convention
Tease-O-Rama 2007, the world’s only weekend-long convention dedicated to burlesque, takes place October 5th & 6th at Bimbo’s 365 Club in San Francisco’s North Beach…
New Radiohead Record, You Choose How Much To Pay
Radiohead will be releasing their latest album “In Rainbows” on October 10th. They are currently taking pre-orders through their website for a disbox or a…

Sputnik Turns 50
This Thursday marks the 50th anniversary of Sputnik 1, the world’s first artificial satellite, which was launched into space by the Soviet Union on October…
The History of Silicon Valley
The San Francisco Chronicle is has been running a great series on the history of Silicon Valley, which has its roots in radio engineers who…
Bad Signage Flickr Pool
Over on Boing Boing, Cory Doctorow has discovered the wonderful Bad Signage Flickr Pool, including the brutally honest sign for Laundry Depot in Morrisville, PA.…
Arse Elektronika 2007 Call For Volunteers and Press Coverage
Our Austrian friends from monochrom in Vienna are starting to arrive in town and are preparing for next week’s Arse Elektronika 2007 conference, which takes…
Feed Digest, A Great Way To Republish Feeds
Per Marshall Kirkpatrick’s suggestion, I’ve started using Feed Digest to republish and Squid List feeds on the left-hand sidebar of this blog, as well…
15th Anniversay of Critical Mass, A Global Bike Convergence
Tonight’s Critical Mass ride in San Francisco marks the 15th anniversary of the bicycle convergence that takes place on the last Friday of the month…

Amazing Wall Animations by Blu
Italian artist Blu has created two videos of his amazing wall animations, “Walking (2 times)” and “Fantoche (2 times)”. via M2