Commenter Business Meeting 2

“Commenter Business Meeting 2, is College Humor’s sequel to “Internet Commenter Business Meeting”, were they finally kill the LOL meme once and for LOL, I…

Flickr Taken Over By Pirates

Flickr is talking like a pirate today on Talk Like a Pirate Day. Go to Flickr, scroll to the bottom of the page and select…

EFF Bootcamp on Web 2.0 Legal Issues

EFF is hosting a special Bootcamp on Web 2.0 legal issues on Wednesday, October 10th at Fenwick and West Silicon Valley Center in Mountain View.…

6emeia Sewer Art in São Paulo

For over a year 6emeia, a project created by SAO! and Delafuent, has been converting sewers into amazing street art in São Paulo, Brazil. Here’s…