Maker Faire Austin 2007 Photos

Maker Faire Austin 2007, a DIY technology, arts, crafts and science event produced by Make Magazine and Craft Magazine, takes place this weekend, Saturday, October…

Simons Cat Wake Up Call

Cat Man Do by Simon Tofield

This post is dedicated to Lori. This hilarious animation, “Cat Man Do” by Simon Tofield, is a great example of typical cat wake up call.…

Select a Wi-Fi Network

A partial list of 15 wi-fi networks located while sitting outside of Jo’s on 2nd Street in downtown Austin. What? They don’t like GWB in…

My Occupation Is Showman

Here’s a Scan from the San Francisco Voter Information Pamphlet listing “showman” Chicken John Rinaldi as an official candidate for Mayor of San Francisco in…

How to Make Your Own Vampire Fangs

Bre Pettis and Eric Skiff demonstrate how to make your own vampire fangs in the latest episode of Make Magazine’s excellent “Weekend Projects” series.