Internet Memes Timeline
BK G. has created a fantastic Internet Memes Timeline hosted on Dipity. via Chris Glass
Ferris Plock Solo Show “Slay the Giant” at Lower Haters
Ferris Plock has a solo show of new works “Slay the Giant” coming up at Lower Haters in San Francisco. The opening reception is this…
Ray and Maria Stata Center at MIT by Frank Gehry
Back in April while attending ROFLCon, which was held at MIT in Cambridge, I spent some time wondering around the MIT campus shooting some photos.…
Photos: Inside the Airbus A380 That Buzzed San Francisco
What was that big thing? Yesterday? Up in the sky? If you happened to look up sometime around 3 pm, you might have seen it:…
Aurora, A Vision of Future User Experience on the Web
Adaptive Path created a series of concept videos for Aurora, their vision of a possible future user experience on the web. Aurora is part of…
Strange 2008 Anti-Drug Website, Plus Flashbacks
Just when you thought that weird Anti-Drug PSAs were a thing of the 70’s… Tonight I encountered the above banner ad (I split the animation…
How Do You Use Twitter?
Twitter recently made a video where they asked people “How Do You Use Twitter?”
Photo Tour of the Revision3 Studio
Last Wednesday Martin Sargent invited me to be a guest on his show Internet Superstar which is produced by the online video network Revision3 (the…
Zinc Oxide And You – The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977)
Here’s the classic segment “Zinc Oxide And You” from The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977) directed by John Landis and written by Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker.
Sci-Fi Concept Spaceship & Experimental Aircraft Art Blog
Concept Ships is the blog of Sci-Fi ship illustrations forum; ranging from the familiar to the fantastical; from the haunting to the mind-bending. And…