PSAs From the 1976 Swine Flu Outbreak
These vintage PSA’s from the 1976 swine flu outbreak is everything we love about retro PSAs. Quotes like “Swine flu? I’m too fast for it…
Free Hugs Prank: Deluxe Hugs $2.00
Mediocre Films, has some fun with the Free Hugs guy at a Los Angeles farmer’s market. Who wouldn’t want to pay for an upgraded hug?
David Lynch: Problem Solver
David Lynch apparently is no longer limiting his talents to making films, but is now reaching out to the common man and helping him mundane…
The Human Marvels, A Wonderful Blog Featuring The Stories of Peculiar People
The Human Marvels is a wonderful blog featuring the stories behind truly unique individuals like Sandwina – The Woman of Steel, Angus Macaskill – The…
The Rumor of Leon Trotsky’s Ashes Stolen & Baked Into Cookies Was A Delicious Hoax
Earlier this month, a note purportedly detailing a break-in to the former residence of Lev Davidovish Trotsky (née Bronstein) in Mexico, the theft of his…
May Day Party, A Fundraiser For The Golden Mean & The Boiler Bar Theater
On May 2nd, 2009, come unite for the International Workers Day of Celebration at the May Day Party in West Oakland. The Golden Mean, a…
Pet Airways, The World’s First Pets Only Airline
Pet Airways, whose motto is “Travel for Your Best Friend”, is a pet-only airline that will save your fine furry companion from the indignity of…
The True Origins of Superman Revealed
Superman. Alien life form with super powers. Occasional Communist threat to America. Whatever you could say about the big fella, we all knew the basic…
Facebook Releases New Desktop App
Facebook recently released a slick new desktop app that runs on Adobe Air with a built-in auto refresh feature. Along with updating your status, can…
Here Come the Dinosaurs by Paul and Storm
“Here Come the Dinosaurs” by Paul and Storm. You can’t stop them!