Heartless: The Story of The Tin Man
“Heartless: The Story of The Tin Man” by Brandon McCormick (Whitestone Motion Pictures), tells the backstory of how Tin Man from the “Wizard of Oz”…
Steve Martin’s Personalized Form Letter For Fans
The always excellent Letters of Note is featuring a hilarious personalized form letter that Steve Martin sent to his fans in the early 1980’s.

Winnebago Man, The Angriest Man On Earth
“Winnebago Man” is a documentary by Ben Steinbauer about Jack Rebney, a Winnebago salesman made famous by his hilarious, foul-mouthed outbursts recorded in 1988 that…

The High Line: An Elevated Park in New York City
photos by Dave Schumaker The High Line is a novel park that opened in Manhattan’s West Side last summer. What makes the High line so…
TWTRCON NY, A Twitter Conference For Business
TWTRCON NY, a Twitter conference for business, government and the non-profit world, takes place on Monday, June 14th at the Hilton New York. At TWTRCON…

Update on Ghyslain Raza aka The Star Wars Kid
Alex Pasternack of Motherboard has posted an update on Ghyslain Raza who was made famous on the Internet in 2002 as the Star Wars Kid.…
Dr. Sketchy’s Presents The Art Monkeys Ball
Dr. Sketchy’s presents The Art Monkeys Ball on June 12th at the Red Lotus Room in Brooklyn, staring Amber Ray, Seanna Sharpe and Madame Rosebud.…
Gowalla vs. Foursquare: The Great Check-In Battle
Wired UK takes a look at Gowalla vs. Foursquare in “The Great Check-In Battle”.

Noisebridge Presents Science For Juggalos
Have you ever covered yourself in white facepaint while pondering “Fucking magnets… how do they work?!”. If so, you might be a Juggalo. Lucky for…
Christopher “moot” Poole TED Talk
TED has released the TED Talk of Christopher “moot” Poole of 4chan speaking at TED 2010 about online anonymity.