Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, A Series of Interactive Illustrated Stories
Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual is a wonderful series of interactive stories written and illustrated by Bradley W. Schenck that are set in Retropolis,…
Bumpy Pitch: Making US Soccer History Fashionable
Many people don’t realize that organized soccer in the US dates back to the 19th Century. More precisely organized “football”, as the term “soccer” didn’t…
TechCrunch Launches TechCrunch TV
TechCrunch has just launched their new web video network TechCrunch TV.
M.C. Escher Inspired Oil Spill Themed New Yorker Cover by Bob Staake
The current issue of The New Yorker has a powerful M.C. Escher inspired oil spill themed cover “After Escher: Gulf Sky and Water”, illustrated by…
Help The Lifesize Moustrap Travel To Maker Faire Detroit and Maker Faire World in NYC
The Lifesize Mousetrap, an amazing full size version of the classic board game, needs help getting to Maker Faire Detroit and Maker Faire World in…
Ron Wayne, Apple’s Forgotten Co-Founder
San Jose Mercury recently did a story on Ron Wyane, Apple’s third, now forgotten co-founder. Ron, who designed the first Apple logo, sold his 10%…
Amputee Cat Receives New Bionic Rear Feet
Oscar the cat makes medical history when he quickly learns how to walk with bioengineered prosthetic limbs that replaced his rear feet which were lost…
Play Public Pianos In The Streets of NYC & London
photo via Play Me, I’m Yours British artist Luke Jerram has been setting up pianos around New York City as part of his project Play…
Hipstamatic + iPhone 4 = Broken
For those of us who secretly (or not so secretly) love the Hipstamatic app on the iPhone and upgraded to the newly released iPhone 4,…
What If Dogs Wrote Cat Fancy Magazine?
Windowless Van images what it might be like if dogs wrote “Cat Fancy” magazine. via BuzzFeed