Tentacle Cosplay at Gamescom 2010
All of Chewbacca’s Dialogue From Star Wars On a Sticky Note
“Savage Chickens” by Doug Savage recently featured all of Chewbacca’s dialog from Star Wars on a mega sticky note. via Daring Fireball
One Night Stand
A look into an awkward morning after a “One Night Stand”, produced & directed by Jack Tew and Dave Humphreys. via LikeCool
Jensen Kimmitt, Winner of The 2010 World Yo-Yo Contest
Canadian yo-yo champion Jensen Kimmitt performing at the 2010 World Yo-Yo Contest where he came in first place.
Polite-But-Antisocial SF Muni “Information Gladly Given” T-Shirt
Market Street Railway, the nonprofit group that supports San Francisco’s vintage streetcar fleet, is selling a new t-shirt that carries an odd message: “Information Gladly…
Pillow Fight On a Lufthansa Flight
A pillow fight took place on Lufthansa flight LH687 from Tel-Aviv to Frankfurt.
Tumblr Tribute To Atari 2600 Games
A Tumblr tribute to Atari 2600 games by topherchris.
Waldo Wins
“ISO SWM”, a Shirt.Woot t-shirt by Naolito.
Photos of The Statue of Liberty Under Construction
How to be a Retronaut is featuring a bunch of great photos of the Statue of Liberty being built. The photos were taken by Albert…
Papa, The Birthday Cat by Josh Ellingson
Josh Ellingson has been creating illustrations inspired by YouTube videos. His latest, “Papa, The Birthday Cat” is based on the Birthday Cat Is Not Impressed…