Speedsolving A Rubik’s Cube While Skydiving In A Rubber Boat
Kleiner Ludewig speed solved a Rubik’s Cube in 31.5 seconds while freefalling from 4300 meters sitting in a rubber boat.
Playing Star Trek: The Game With A Cat
When his friends didn’t show up for game night, Danforth ends up playing Star Trek: The Game with his cat Gloria.
Danish Rabbit Hopping Championships
Here are the winners of this year’s Danish Rabbit Hopping Championships. via Nag on the Lake
Anamanaguchi, Hyper-Active, Hyper-Positive 8-bit Rock
New York’s Anamanaguchi have been killing it this year. With their mix of chiptune melodies with live guitars and drums, the band creates anthemic rock…
77 by Adam Haynes
“77” by Adam Haynes via Hey Stuff!
Mass Effect M8 Avenger Assault Rifle
Harrison Krix created an amazing replica of a M8 Avenger assault rifle from the video game Mass Effect. Harrison is a master prop maker, who…
Batman & Robin Custom Nike Sneakers
Batman & Robin custom Nike sneakers designed by Brass Monki. via Gamefreaks
Wall Tentacle by ArtAkimbo
“Wall Tentacle” sculpture by ArtAkimbo A big ass tentacle to add some seafaring swanky to your domicile. Bursting through a verdigris porthole, this octopus arm…
Sticker Converts iPhone 4 Into a Leica M9
Joey Celis created a clever sticker that makes an iPhone 4 look like a Leica M9. via PetaPixel
Stay Puft Caffeinated Gourmet Marshmallows
Stay Puft Caffeinated Gourmet Marshmallows by Omni Consumer Products, available through ThinkGeek. See Previously: LEGO Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Fighting The Ghostbusters