Milton 4.0, A Babysitting Robot

“Milton 4.0”, a live-action/animated short film by Kathleen Espiritu about a babysitting robot. Set in an alternative Fifties suburban America, Milton 4.0 is about a…

Ping Pong Table Wine

Ping Pong Table Wine and other Table Wine design concepts by Rethink Communications. We created this self-promo campaign of “Table Wines” to showcase Rethink’s package…

80’s Filmography T-Shirt by Chop Shop

“80’s Filmography”, a new Chop Shop t-shirt design by Timo Meyer, featuring symbols representing 22 classic 1980’s films arranged in the form of an eight.

Star Wars Uncut Wins an Emmy Award

“Star Wars Uncut”, the charming remake of “Star Wars: A New Hope” created entirely from 15-second, user-created clips of the film, just won an Emmy…