Japanese Television Show Featuring Kittens In Bowls
Behold this wonderous Japanese TV show featuring kittens in bowls accompanied by a bizarre Japanese pop cover of The Beatles’ “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da”. via MetaFilter
Organist Has Been Playing San Francisco’s Castro Theatre For 33 Years
NBC Bay Area recently interviewed organist David Hegarty, who has been playing a mechanical Wurlitzer organ at San Francisco’s famed Castro Theatre for 33 years.
TurtleBot, An Easy to Use Open Source Robot by Willow Garage
TurtleBot is an open source robot by Willow Garage that can be customized by hobbyists or researchers to perform a wide variety of tasks. TurtleBot…
Weed Card by Garfunkel & Oates, How To Get Medical Marijuana in CA
Garfunkel and Oates provide some handy tips on how to obtain medical marijuana in California in their new music video “Weed Card”, directed by Raul…
Erasing a CD Using High Voltage Electricity
UK-based mad scientist Photonicinduction demonstrates a rather dramatic way to erase a CD–with arcs of high voltage electricity.
Girl Mimics an Astonishing Array of Animal Sounds
It’s probably wise that Mel has remained semi-anonymous, because her hidden talent, the ability to mimic a wide variety of animal sounds with astonishing ease,…
Fully Functional Tiny Crossbow Fires Flaming Arrows
Tiny armaments specialist and jewelry designer T. Shamir (maker of the working tiny cannon) has made a surprisingly powerful tiny crossbow that can shoot…
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook on the Cover of Mad Magazine
The June issue of Mad Magazine features Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg on the cover with his new friend Alfred E. Neuman. In the issue they…
Radiolab: Symmetry
“Symmetry”, a video made by Everynone based on the Radiolab episode “Desperately Seeking Symmetry”. This is a follow-up to their videos for “Words” and “Re:…
World War II Themed Super Mario Bros. Propaganda Posters
Fernando Reza created a fantastic series of World War II themed Super Mario Bros. propaganda posters, which are available as a set of prints.