Needlefelted Brain In a Jar
Needlefelted Brain In a Jar, created by prolific body organ crafter Your Organ Grinder, available through their Etsy shop.
Smoking Squid Stencil Spotted in San Francisco
This rare asphalt squid was documented by an informant at Fort Mason Center (which is technically on Federal property). You can see lots more cephalopods…
The Cube, An Environmentally Friendly Micro House
photo via The Cube Project photo by Allan MacDonald The Cube is a micro house that is designed to have the lowest environmental impact while…
Author Opens Bookstore in New York City That Only Sells His Book
To promote his new book Martian Summer, author Andrew Kessler opened Ed’s Martian Books, a New York City bookstore that only sells his new book,…
Lockitron Replaces Door Keys With a Mobile Phone
The Lockitron system is an app paired with an electronic door lock that allows the user to lock and unlock a door with their smartphone…
American Ninja: Cement Filled Budweiser Nun Chucks
“American Ninja” is a pair of cement filled Budweiser nun chucks created by Chen Chen and Kai Tsien-Williams.
Manga Plates Combine To Form Japanese-Style Comics at Dinner Table
Japanese design student Mika Tsutai created “Manga Plates,” clever serving plates decorated with Manga illustrations. When combined together, the plates form comic book narratives. photos…
Rapture + Riders on the Storm Mashup & Other End of the World Songs
Unless you’ve been living under a billboard (without ever looking up to see what’s on the billboard), you probably know that an evangelical Christian group…
The Battle At F-Stop Ridge, Waging War With Camera Equipment
“Battle At F-Stop Ridge” is a clever promo for The Camera Store featuring an epic battle fought with camera equipment. via PetaPixel
Alex Blagg Conducts The Worst Internet Internship Interview Ever
Alex Blagg of BajillionHits.Biz conducts the worst internship interview ever for help with Internet Week in New York City.