Incredibly Precarious Stacked Rock Sculptures Held With ‘Gravity Glue’
Colorado artist Mike Grab balances breathakingly high and precarious stacks of stones, creating mesmerizing natural sculptures he calls “Gravity Glue.” The sculptures are created without…
Horrible Movie Clichés Campaign by NY International Latino Film Festival
The New York International Latino Film Festival has launched an insightful and clever infographic campaign pointing out the differences between “movies” and “films”, the latter…
How to Defy Gravity with a Rare Earth Magnet and a Copper Pipe
YouTube user JamesRB1995 demonstrates what happens when a powerful neodymium magnet is dropped down a copper pipe: the magnet drops in bizarre slow motion, as…
Useful Dog Tricks by Jesse the Jack Russell Terrier
Jesse the Jack Russell Terrier can perform quite a few useful tricks around the house.
A Documentary on Roadside Advertising Icons The Muffler Men
Clean White Lines production company in Oakland, California has launched a Kickstarter fundraising campaign for Muffler Men: One Hand Up, One Hand Down so that…
Bike Fixtation, A Self-Service Bike Repair Station
Bike Fixtation is a self-service bicycle repair station that includes compressed air, a vending machine for drinks and bike parts, and a work stand with…
How to Connect a Vintage VT220 Terminal to a Mac Pro
Tumblr software engineer Justin Oullette has figured out how to connect a 1983 VT220 serial terminal to his Mac Pro.
The Burning Man Project, Burning Man Converts To A Nonprofit Entity
2011 is turning out to be a very big year for those closely tied with the Burning Man festival, from a first ever advance ticket…
Braincar, An Art Car that Dreams With its Giant Brain
“Braincar” by Dutch artist Olaf Mooij is an art car with a giant brain atop the back half of the vehicle. Cameras on the car…
Appathy, A Mobile App That Takes You Down a Notch
Appathy is an anti-social app that balances out the constant “favoriting” and “liking” of Twitter, Facebook, and other social apps by informing the user of…