Charles Schulz Drawing Charlie Brown
Charles Schulz drawing Charlie Brown, a segment from the never released documentary A Boy Named Charlie Brown.
Sidewalk Superheroes by Rick Parker
After posting, Portraits of an Elderly Superhero by Andreas Englund, our friend Jeff Newelt suggested a series of illustrations titled Sidewalk Superheroes by Rick Parker,…
iPhone Case That Looks Like a Giant 1980s Cell Phone
This big chunky ’80s Cell Phone Case is available at Urban Outfitters and is designed to encase modern day iPhones in retro style. The case…
DC Comics Reboots Entire Comic Lineup With The New 52
In an effort to boost sales, DC Comics has “rebooted” its entire lineup of 52 comic book titles with new costume designs, histories, plotlines (see…
Mink Car Cover, A They Might Be Giants Cover Album Fundraiser
They Might Be Giants officially released their Mink Car album on the same day as the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attacks. Mink Car…
The Evolution of the Web, A Timeline of Browsers & Web Technologies
The Evolution of the Web is a timeline showing the reign of major web browsers (remember Netscape?) and the advent of key Internet technologies. The…
Barrel Chucker, A Donkey Kong Inspired T-Shirt by BeastPop ArtWorks
Donkey Kong inspired “Barrel Chucker“, a new RIPT t-shirt design by BeastPop Artworks on sale Friday (9/2) for $10.
Foursquaropoly, A Monopoly Game Played Using Foursquare
Foursquaropoly is a mobile gaming app that combines the Foursquare API with the gameplay of the Monopoly board game (see a video demo). Players can…
iNecklace, An Open Source Pulsating LED Pendant
Adafruit Industries has created the iNecklace, an aluminum open source pendant with a pulsating LED. Equipped with a circuit board, this piece comes with its…
G-Male, Google Develops The Perfect Male
Comediva presents G-Male, an inside look how Google developed the perfect male. via The Mary Sue