Nano Quadrotor Robots Flying in Formation
These nano quadrotor robots can fly in sophisticated formations, though given their angry bee-like buzz, “swarms” is really a better term. The quadrotors were developed…
Shatner’s World: We Just Live In It, William Shatner’s One Man Show
Actor William Shatner will be starring in Shatner’s World: We Just Live In It, his one-man show beginning with two preview shows on Broadway on…
Things That Cannot Screen For Breast Cancer
Things That Cannot Screen For Breast Cancer by Lian Amaris (see Xeni Jardin’s post on Boing Boing for the backstory) via Lori Dorn & Nick…
Kevin Rose Interviews Instagram Founder Kevin Systrom
Kevin Rose did a really great interview with Instagram founder Kevin Systrom on the latest episode of Foundation.
Surrealist Painter, Sculptor and Writer Dorothea Tanning Dies at 101
Ms. Tanning in 2010 by Sylvia Plachy The Dorothea Tanning Foundation has confirmed that American surrealist painter, sculptor and poet Dorothea Tanning died on January…
Switchblade Spork
Seattle-based retailer Archie McPhee brings us the Switchblade Spork, an ingenious way for “hopped-up punks with uncontrollable appetites” to handily carry a spork, the spoon…
Vintage L.L. Bean Catalog Covers Recreated as Modern-Day Photos
The Pheromone Party, Love Connections Made by Huffing Smelly T-Shirts
The Pheromone Party attendees swap bags of smelly t-shirts in order to potentially make a love connection based on the chemical attraction of other attendee’s…
Retro Handmade Punch Boxes Hold Sweet Messages on Scrolls
Oakland-based Lea Redmond of creative studio Leafcutter Designs has made a cool retro-modern version of the punchboard, a nearly-forgotten parlor game from the 1920s and…
The Originals Factory, A Robot That Makes Abstract Paintings
“The Originals Factory” is an art robot that creates landscape paintings in the style of the American abstract expressionism movement. The robot was created by…