Girl Being Chased by Two Goats in Sweaters
In this video from MissTsCrafts, a young girl is being chased by two leaping goats in sweaters. In another one, a dachshund gets into the…
Lucky Lady Lucy, 20-Foot Tall Showgirl Effigy Burns in Las Vegas
The First Friday Las Vegas art festival burned a 20-foot all art effigy named Lucky Lady Lucy at their March 2, 2012 event. It marked…
Albatros, An Ingenious Automatic Bookmark
Albatros is an incredibly clever adhesive bookmark that automatically marks the page as a reader progresses through a book (video). Albatros was created by French…
Squirrel Thief Steals Man’s Food Behind His Back
newton2013 catches a squirrel food thief in the act.
Miss Honeywell, The World’s First Robotic Woman (1968)
In the 1968 British Pathé film clip “Miss Honeywell,” a suspiciously humanoid “robot woman” demonstrates the latest technological gadgetry from the computer division of Honeywell.
How to Extract Your DNA at Home
This short video by NOVA shows how to extract your DNA at home using common household items. The video is a promo for the…
Video Of The Three Little Pigs As A Breaking News Story
This brilliant ad for British newspaper The Guardian reimagines the tale of The Three Little Pigs as a modern day news story that unfolds via…
Pens Fly Out of Man’s ‘Fro When He Shakes His Head
In this video, SlothRump vigorously shakes pens out of his ‘fro. In response, TheCrispyChips in Australia posted his own video, doing the same thing: CoffeBlackness…
Big Cats Reacting to their Mirrored Reflections
The non-profit educational sanctuary in Tampa, Florida, Big Cat Rescue, brought out large mirrors to show their big cats what they look like. The mirror-holding…
Square Register Turns iPad Into Point of Sale System for Small Business
Square Register allows small business owners to use an iPad as a point of sale system (intro video). The system can accept credit cards…