Derek, A New Comedy Drama Series by Ricky Gervais
Derek is a new comedy drama television series about a retirement home worker named Derek Noakes and is written, directed and starring Ricky Gervais. The…
A Handpainted Louis Vuitton Designer Carport
I spotted this hand-painted carport done up in the Louis Vuitton pattern in the Arcadia neighborhood of Phoenix, Arizona. Looks legit. photos by Rusty Blazenhoff
Wonky by Orbital
Orbital has posted the trippy video for the single Wonky which features Lady Leshurr. Their recently released album also titled Wonky is their first studio…
Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window as a One Shot Panoramic Time-Lapse
Filmmaker Jeff Desom dissected Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film Rear Window and reassembled it digitally into a time-lapse of a single panoramic composite shot. I dissected…
Yoda Speaking Correctly
In Speaking Correct Order of Words Yoda Is, Canada-based MechaStewart has re-edited Star Wars footage to give the illusion that Yoda is speaking correctly. via…
Breaking GIFs, Breaking Bad Animated GIFs by Comedian Paul Scheer
Comedian Paul Scheer has humorously announced that he has started “cooking up” a series of animated GIFs based on the television show Breaking Bad and…
What Twitter Might Have Looked Like If it Was Created in the 1980s
Squirrel Monkey made an animation that imagines what Twitter might have looked like if it was created in the 1980s.
The Nissan NV200, New York City’s Next Taxi Cab
Today marks the official unveiling of the Nissan NV200 taxi cab, which will begin replacing New York City’s taxi fleet in October, 2013. The cab…
Instagram is Now Available for Android
It was announced today that Instagram for Android is now available for download for Android mobile use. The popular photograph creation and sharing app was…
Crazy Clown Time by David Lynch
David Lynch directed the music video for Crazy Clown Time, the debut single from his new album Crazy Clown Time. via David Lynch