Kaleidolism, A Kaleidoscope Web App

Kaleidolism is a simple kaleidoscope web app powered by HTML5. It was created by 2pxBorder, a New Zealand web design company. via swissmiss

The Detroit Project by Ron English

Artist and culture jammer Ron English recently took a family vacation to Detroit to enjoy some sightseeing and to make a little street art. eBaum’s…

The Amazing Spider-Man

Here’s the official trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man, the rebooted Spider-Man movie directed by Marc Webb and starring Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. The film is…

Brief Jerky, DIY Edible Meat Underwear

Carley Jacobson is behind the DIY Brief Jerky, a 100% edible pair of meat underwear with Slim Jim laces. Pull out your dehydrator, gather together…