Delete My Browser History Medical Bracelet
MedicAlert bracelets generally warn emergency professionals of potential medical issues as they are saving someone’s life but this one instead reads: “Delete My Browser History.”
Girl Inserts Herself Into Pop Culture With Her Facebook Cover Photos
Libby Cooper has created a funny series of custom Facebook cover photos where she has inserted herself into pop culture films. The magic of photo…
Futuristic Dutch Smart Highway Will Feature Luminous and Temperature Sensitive Road Markings
Later this year, the Netherlands will be home to a Smart Highway that will feature luminous road markings that glow at night and temperature sensitive…
Blind Man Shows How Blind People Use Instagram
Blind since birth, Tommy Edison (aka the “Blind Film Critic”) shows in this video how blind people use Instagram. By using the Accessibility setting on…
Funny Amazon Reviews for the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer
Customers on Amazon have been having some fun adding reviews for the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer, a simple banana-shaped device that can “slice an entire…
56 Up, The Documentary Series That Has Followed a Group of Britons Every 7 Years Since 1964
Since 1964, the same group of British-born people has been followed and filmed every seven years, starting when they were seven years old. The children…
Artist Makes a Robot Comic to Inspire People to Quit Smoking
Astoria, Queens comic artist Bryan Bruner has been smoking for 19 straight years and he is now ready to ditch the habit cold turkey. To…
Stick-N-Find, Tiny Bluetooth Stickers Help You Keep Track of Things
Stick-N-Find is a one inch diameter Bluetooth location sticker that can be used to keep track of just about anything. Once Stick-N-Find is affixed to…
Apple Cabinet, A Cabinet with Bites Taken Out of It
The Apple Cabinet is a wood and fiberglass cabinet that looks like enormous chunks have been bitten out of it. The cabinet was designed by…