Two Chips, A Pun-Filled Animated Film About Two Chips
Two Chips is a pun-filled animated short created by Adam Patch and narrated by Morgan Patch that tells the story of two chips who get…
Time Traveller Watch Shows Multiple Time Zones at Once Using Famous City Landmarks
The Time Traveller watch by Mr Jones Watches shows the time for major cities around the world using famous landmarks. For example, New York City’s…
Cupcakes Made Entirely of Frosting, Aka Extreme Frosting Shots
Cupcake Project’s Stefani Pollack has rendered the traditional “frosting shots” of fancy cupcake shops obsolete by making cupcakes entirely of frosting (!). She starts making…
Jumping on a FitBall Buried in Beach Sand
In this video from 2009, Ryan Shinji performs a number of acrobatic tricks using a FitBall buried in beach sand. Shinji says he learned the…
Modern Uses for the Yellow Pages
Doghouse Diaries created a new knee-slapping webcomic that shows “Six Modern Uses for the Yellow Pages.” In the words of the immortal Mitch Hedberg, “…here,…
Textastrophe, A Blog Dedicated to Trolling People Who Post Their Phone Numbers in Public
Textastrophe is a Tumblr blog that collects humorous conversations with people who have posted their phone numbers in public, often on Craigslist. The blog’s owner…
The Window Socket, A Portable Solar-Powered Electrical Socket That Affixes to Windows
The Window Socket is a portable solar-powered electrical socket that affixes to a window and harnesses solar energy through a built-in solar panel. The socket…
Brooklyn Playground Renamed in Honor of Late Beastie Boys’ Adam “MCA” Yauch
“This is Brooklyn’s Park, this is America’s Park, but specifically, this is Adam Yauch Park.” — Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz New York City Parks & Recreations…
Things Come Apart, Beautiful Photos Of Disassembled Technology by Todd McLellan
Iron Man 3 Movie Review in the Form of a Comic
Wired Underwire released a movie review of Iron Man 3 that is in the form of a comic. Culture and entertainment editor Laura Hudson of…