The Last Jewish Waiter, Episode 3: Free Lunch
Katz’s Deli waiter David Manheim returns with “Free Lunch,” episode 3 of his web series The Last Jewish Waiter. We’ve previously posted this wonderful series…

Minimalist Periodic Table Illustrates the Chemical Structures of Elements
London-based graphic designer Alison Haigh has created a minimalist periodic table in which each element is represented by its chemical structure — each dot represents…

Star Wars Filibuster, Patton Oswalt’s ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Plot Proposal Animated
Nerdist has released “Star Wars Filibuster,” an animated version of the great 8-minute Star Wars: Episode VII plot proposal given by Patton Oswalt back in…

Supercut Video of Dogs Who Are High After Visiting the Vet
CollegeHumor has created a supercut video of dogs who are super high after visiting the veterinarian and have trouble standing, walking, or chasing balls. No…

Kids Urge Teens To Take Babysitter Training Courses From the American Red Cross
Advertising agency BBDO Atlanta has made a clever babysitter training PSA for American Red Cross to create awareness for their Babysitting Basics online course…

Making Pad, A ‘Breaking Bad’ Parody Starring Steve Jobs and Jony Ive
Steve Jobs and Jony Ive invent the iPad in this animated Breaking Bad parody by Mondo Media. The video was made as part of Geek…

MakeupText, An iOS App For Rekindling Your Relationship With a Former Significant Other
Jake Levine and Lauren Leto have created MakeupText, an iOS app for making up with your former significant other after breaking up with them using…

Vlogumentary, A Documentary About YouTube Video Bloggers
Vlogumentary is a documentary about the diverse community of YouTube video bloggers directed by Corey Vidal and produced by Shay Carl. The first trailer features…

Peter Capaldi Announced as Twelfth Lead Actor For ‘Doctor Who’
The BBC has announced that Scottish actor Peter Capaldi will succeed Matt Smith in the lead role of Doctor Who. Capaldi — who is known…

Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical by Rhett & Link
Comedy duo Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal of Rhett & Link have created “Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical,” a fantastic “musical recap of Breaking…