Villainous, Short Film About a Little Boy’s Evil Comic Book Action Figures Being Brought to Justice
“Villainous” is a fantastic short film about a little boy’s evil collection of comic book action figures being brought to justice. It was written and…
Famous Guns, The Iconic Firearms of Fictional Characters & Historical Figures
Italian designer Federico Mauro has created “Famous Guns,” a minimalist series collecting the iconic firearms of movie characters and historical figures from Han Solo to…
Mug Marker, A Cardboard CNC Machine That Can Draw on Mugs
Maker Don McRae has created the Mug Marker, a crafty CNC machine made of cardboard that can draw patterns on mugs. McRae took the machine…
Bodyscapes, Landscapes Made Out of Human Bodies
Family Planning, Disney Animation About Birth Control Starring Donald Duck (1968)
Donald Duck helps explain the importance of birth control in an extremely roundabout manner in “Family Planning,” an animated short created by Walt Disney Productions…
Quip, A Cross-Platform Word Processor For Desktop, iOS, and Android
Quip is a cross-platform word processor that syncs documents across phones, tablets, and desktop PCs. The app allows users to collaborate on a single document,…
Graffiti Removal Guy Becomes Street Art
Back in May, artist DS put a Hello Kitty stencil up in London only to watch a worker remove it just 8 hours later. DS…
Early Concept Art Shows What Iconic Movie Characters Could Have Looked Like
After seeing a reddit post revealing the original concept art for Shrek, ScreenCrush tracked down some very early character design sketches for popular films like…
Kid Backflips From Moving Skateboard Onto a Second Skateboard
Egill Gunnar backflips from one skateboard to another not once, but twice — after a few falls — in this video. via UPROXX
10 Years of Wooster Collective: 2003-2013, A Street Art Exhibit at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in New York City
10 Years of Wooster Collective: 2003—2013 is an upcoming group art exhibit, curated by Marc and Sara Schiller, at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in New York…