Sesame Street Residents Celebrate Thanksgiving in a Horrifying Animation by ADHD
FOX’s Animation Domination High-Def (ADHD) has created a horrifying short about Sesame Street characters celebrating Thanksgiving dinner. That’s a really big bird…
Harry Potter Recreated in Real Life in New York Penn Station by Improv Everywhere
For the eighth mission in their ongoing “Movies in Real Life” series, Improv Everywhere recreated Harry Potter’s search for Platform 9 3/4 and the Hogwarts…
Toddler Napping With His Adopted Two-Month-Old Puppy
Momma’s Gone City blogger Jessica Shyba has taken an adorable series of photos of her adopted two-month-old puppy Theo cuddled up and napping with her…
All Eleven Doctors Run Forever in an Amazing ‘Doctor Who’ GIF
Inspired by a quote from the Eleventh Doctor’s companion Clara Oswin Oswald, “Run you clever boy, and remember,” Spanish illustrator Javi de Castro has created…
William “Bill” Barker, Creator of the Schwa Universe, Launches New Printmaking Studio alaVoid
William (formerly known as Bill) Barker, the creator of Schwa universe, has happily reappeared with a new venture, alaVoid, a printmaking studio that he’s launching…
FiftyThree Launches Pencil, A Stylus Shaped Like a Carpenter’s Pencil for the Paper iOS App
FiftyThree, creators of the iPad drawing app Paper, have launched Pencil, a Bluetooth low energy stylus shaped like a carpenter’s pencil. The stylus can be…
Ex-Men: Jubilee, Professor X Insults & Fires Jubilee During an X-Men Comedy Sketch
“Maybe if Magneto is beating up hippies at Burning Man, I’ll give you a call.” In a new episode of Ex-Men by comedian Pete Holmes,…
The Difference Between Role-Playing as a Kid and as an Adult
Brian Gordon of Fowl Language Comics has created a funny comic that illustrates the difference between role-playing as a kid in tabletop RPGs like Dungeons…
Cute Miniature Felted ‘Star Wars’ Figurines
Los Angeles artist Don Nguyen has created a cute series of miniature felted Star Wars figurines. They are available to purchase online from his Etsy…
Monty Python Will Reunite for a Stage Show
The surviving members of the Monty Python comedy group will be reuniting for a stage show, the BBC reports. “We’re getting together and putting on…