Irish Landscaper Unearths a 2,000 Year Old Stash of Bog Butter Near His Home in County Meath
While turf cutter Jack Conway was working on Emlagh Bog near his home in County Meath, Ireland, he happened upon a 2,000 year old stash…
A Man Wearing a Tyrannosaurus Rex Costume Does Surprisingly Well on American Ninja Warrior
The Fastest Mochi Master in Japan Explains the Incredible Process of Pounding Rice Into Mochi
Great Big Story had the amazing opportunity to visit with Mochi Master Mitsuo Nakatani at Nakatanido, his mochi pounding shop, in Nara, Japan. Nakatani very…
Cuddly Stuffed Pusheen the Cat Plushies
Firebox is featuring stuffed versions of Pusheen the Cat that turn the incredibly popular virtual cartoon feline, seen in comic strips and Facebook stickers, into…
Nine-Year-Old Boy Breaks Record for Youngest to Swim From San Francisco to Alcatraz and Back
9-year old James Savage from Los Banos, California became the youngest person to ever successfully complete the incredibly perilous swim from San Francisco to Alcatraz…
Giant Meteor 2016
Express your true thoughts about this presidential election with the Giant Meteor 2016 bumper sticker. via This Is Why I’m Broke, The Awesomer
Tasty Looking Fake Food Made Out of Ordinary Household Items
A photo posted by Kristina Lechner (@kristinalechner) on Aug 21, 2015 at 1:28pm PDT Food Not Food is a photography series, created by Kalamazoo, Michigan…
Darth Vader Short Sleeve Button-Up Shirt
ThinkGeek is featuring a Darth Vader short sleeve button-up shirt that resembles the evil Sith Lord‘s iconic suit of cybernetic armor from Star Wars. It’s…
Spider-Man’s Acrobatics, Fighting, and Web-Slinging Skills Come to Life in New PS4 Gameplay Trailer
Marvel and Insomniac Games released an exciting trailer at E3 2016 for their new action-packed Spider-Man video game releasing exclusively for the PlayStation 4. The…
Clever Man Figures Out How to Deep Fry Water
Jonathan Marcus recently figured out how to deep fry water by forming a calcium alginate membrane around the water, rolling it around in flour, egg,…