Love Army for Somalia, Social Media Stars Partner With Turkish Airlines to Fly Needed Food to Somalia
A post shared by JÉRÔME JARRE (@jeromejarre) on Mar 17, 2017 at 11:50am PDT Social media celebrities such as Jérôme Jarre, Casey Neistat, Chakabars, Juanpa…
Baked Potato Cosplay
A guinea pig engages in some impressive baked potato cosplay. 42 days later and the humans still have no idea.
A Busy Mom’s On-Air Interview Gets Repeatedly Interrupted in a Hilarious BBC Dad Interview Parody
In a hilarious parody of the now infamous BBC Dad interview during which young children interrupted their father while on-air, comedy troupe Jono and Ben…
Mac Lethal Offers a Rap Grammar Lesson In Response to a Hateful Email With Atrocious Spelling
Upon receiving a hateful, poorly written email, prolific rapper Mac Lethal responded the best way he knew how – with a rap grammar lesson. Before…
A Serene Little Pug Puppy Enjoys a Relaxing Soapy Water Bath While On Her Back in the Bathroom Sink
A tiny little pug puppy was the picture of absolute serenity as she lay on her back in soapy water while her human gave her…
A Hungry Simon’s Cat Interrupts a Romantic Dinner Date Under the Guise of Being Adorable
In the first of the two-part episode “Dinner Date: Main Course“, a mischievous Simon’s Cat interrupts a romantic dinner that Simon had planned for a…
How a Small Town in Wales Came to Have the Longest Name in Europe and One of the Longest in the World
Great Big Story visited the small town on the Welsh island of Anglesey with the longest name in the whole of Europe and one of…
Husband and Wife Remodel Their Basement to Look Like the Haunted Mansion at Magic Kingdom
Frankfort, Kentucky Disney enthusiasts Josh Brown and his wife Hannah Brown did an amazing job of remodeling their basement to look just like the Haunted…
Portland Anarchist Road Care, Skilled Workers Who Voluntarily Fix Roads When Local Government Won’t
Portland Anarchist Road Care (PARC) is a community collaboration of skilled workers who volunteer their services to fix the damaged roads around Portland, Oregon. Citing…
The Economics of Beard Popularity in the US
Vox contributor Dean Peterson created an animated video that explores the economics of beard popularity in the United States. We may have reached “peak beard.”…