New ‘Monsters University’ Trailer Explores the Rival Personalities of Mike & Sulley

Pixar and Walt Disney Pictures have released a new teaser trailer for their upcoming animated film, Monsters University. The trailer shows how the clashing personalities of party animal Mike (John Goodman) and teacher’s pet Sulley (Billy Crystal) made them both rivals in college, but also brought them closer together as friends. The film is scheduled to be released in theaters on June 21, 2013. We have previously written about Monsters University‘s second trailer and its realistic collegiate website.

Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan are an inseparable pair, but that wasn’t always the case. From the moment these two mismatched monsters met they couldn’t stand each other. ‘Monsters University’ unlocks the door to how Mike and Sulley overcame their differences and became the best of friends.

Here is a poster of Mike and Sulley posing in a new Milk Mustache ad:


image and video via Monsters University

Justin Page
Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.