I Went To MoMA And… Project Gathers Museum Visitor Experiences

The Museum of Modern Art in New York City wanted an interactive way to capture the experience of art with the museum’s three million yearly visitors. What eventually developed was an open-ended guestbook of sorts called the “I went to MoMA and…” Project where the museumgoer gets to leave their mark using the Museum’s pre-printed notecards. The experiment resulted in an amazing collection of “ruminations, reflections, and observations” and many of them can be viewed and shared from the project’s website.

…the wall became more thickly festooned with thoughts, comments, sketches, and jokes, people gathered around to read them, and in many cases were inspired to add their own voices to the collage. (Many seemed tickled to be invited to tape up their creations, even temporarily, on MoMA’s lobby wall.)

photo and images via Museum of Modern Art

Rusty Blazenhoff
Rusty Blazenhoff