Help Sxip Shirey Release New Album “Sonic New York” Using Kickstarter

Sxip Shirey and human beatboxer Adam Matta performing “Moon In Her Belly

My friend Sxip Shirey is an amazing musician who has performed at numerous Laughing Squid events over the years. It’s impossible to describe his music, you just have to hear it. Sxip is working on his next album “SONIC NEW YORK – 15 Punk Rockers Pounding a Piano Into Junk” and he’s using Kickstarter to raise $5000 to complete the project, so consider helping out if you enjoy Sxip’s music.

I’ve been working on my new album, “SONIC NEW YORK – 15 Punk Rockers Pounding a Piano Into Junk” The album is turning out to be quite mad and quite beautiful. 18 tracks.

It’s all the experimental Sxip sounds you love driven by object melodies, trip hop human beat box, prepared tuba and drumNbassNbells and also some very very pretty songs with guitars and virtual oil drums. Featured tracks are “I Live in New York City”, “Asleep on the Subway” and “Ghosts In The Gowanus Canal”

It features allot breath driven beats and sounds -mutant harmonicas, bass siren whistle, triple extended tin whistle, tuba, human beat boxer Adam Matta, the incredible vocals of Rhiannon Giddens of the Carolina Chocolate Drops and the haunting vocals of Aimee Curl.

Also the beautiful mechanics of The Disc Bell Music Box, Obnoxiophone, Prepared Guitar and tuned ratchet. Rachelle Garniez makes an appearence and Sammy from Project Jenny Project Jan produces a track inspired by Deelite and Blondie, a dance hit called “Dreamland” (Summertime in Brooklyn)

I need to raise $5000 to finish the album, recording, art work, mastering. Then I shop it around to labels or release it myself. Think of this as a gift, with a gift in return, because we all know that CD’s are archaic media, like 78s. But I collect 78s, so….

My favorite young designer Caleb Beyers, is doing the design, which includes photos by James Shirey (my father) and Sibel De-Mayo.The art will be beautiful and you will want to hold it.

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.