Girl Power Project Aims To Empower Thousands of Ugandan Girls To Reach Their Fullest Potential
Californian photographer Margot Duane has headed to Africa to take photos of at-risk teenage girls in their villages who are participating in the Girl Power Project, a leadership program that aims to empower thousands of girls in rural Uganda to reach their fullest potential. These photographs will then be used in a book (and other communication tools) to help bring awareness and secure additional funding for the project. She’s currently seeking funding on Indiegogo.
The Girl Power Project, a collaboration between The Collective Heart and Unstoppable Foundation, is a path to empowerment. This year-long program teaches critical life and business skills to 100 promising adolescent girls in Uganda, aiming to give them a foundation from which they can grow into leaders who can run businesses, rebuild infrastructure, and forever transform their communities, their economies and their culture. Through this program, girls are trained to empower other girls, and the ripple effect has the potential to create 10,000 female leaders in Uganda who are committed to a self-sustaining Africa.