Ethereal Frost Flowers Form Under Special Weather Conditions in the Ozarks

Frost flowers

Jennifer Fenwick, the director of institutional giving at Science Friday, received photos of ethereal, beautiful frost flowers from her mother.

Over the weekend, my mom stumbled upon some frost flowers on her farm in the Ozarks. I had never even heard of them, but they are fascinating. The “flowers” are actually ice extruded from the stems of certain plant species — but they only last until the sun comes up when they melt.

These formations occur when the air temperature reaches freezing before the ground is frozen. Water in the plant escapes through tiny cracks in the plant and then freeze in gorgeous, strange shapes.

Frost flowers

Frost flowers

Frost flowers

photos via Science Friday

via Science Friday

Rebecca Escamilla
Rebecca Escamilla

Lover of books, science, nature, family, justice, music, language, art, love, internets.