Daily Purchase Drawings, A Series of Drawings of an Item Purchased Every Single Day for Eight Years

Daily Purchase Drawings Iced Coffee
Iced Coffee

Artist Kate Bingaman Burt drew one item she purchased every single day for eight years — February 5th, 2006 to February 5th, 2014. The items are all almost universally mundane, but provide an interesting look at her life during this time, as well as a basic timeline of her skill. The full eight years worth of drawings are available on Burt’s website.

Daily Purchase Drawings Shipping Tube
Shipping Tube

Daily Purchase Drawings Raisin Bread
Raisin Bread

Daily Purchase Drawings Vinyl Decals
My Three States…Vinyl Decals

Daily Purchase Drawings

images via Kate Bingaman Burt

via Quipsologies

Rollin Bishop
Rollin Bishop